6 ways to relieve back pain from pregnancy

Being pregnant can be difficult and uncomfortable. Fortunately, here are six ways to relieve the back pain that comes with pregnancy to reduce the discomfort a bit.

1. Wear suitable shoes

Wearing the right shoes is crucial to preventing the pain of pregnancy. High heel or backless shoes provide insufficient support to keep your hips, knees and spine aligned when you walk, which results in back pain. If you are pregnant, be sure to wear sturdy, flat shoes with a back.

2. Try sleeping on your side

Difficult to stay in one position overnight, but to prevent back pain during the day, try to sleep on your side overnight.
Take a fetal position and place a pillow between your knees to minimize pressure between the bones. This is one of the most effective ways to prevent back pain if you are used to sleeping in uncomfortable positions.

3. Rock the pelvis

To tilt the pelvis, get on all fours, then tilt your pelvis from the top to the bottom. This exercise is useful not only to relieve pain by releasing pressure on the points of the back that are already compressed, but also to prevent other ailments by strengthening the back muscles that were stressed by the transport of the baby.

4. Wear a maternity support belt

Try wearing a maternity support belt around your waist and under your belly to relieve back pain from pregnancy. The support belt lifts and supports the belly and the baby, which relieves the back. It can also promote better posture.

5. Exercise gently

Exercising during pregnancy has been shown to help prevent back and muscle aches from being overweight.
Try exercises like walking, (prenatal) yoga, and swimming to relieve stiffness and pain while respecting your limits. Be sure to stretch your back well before and after the exercises to avoid injury.

6. Take a nice hot bath

Among the natural remedies to relieve muscle pain and back pain, hot baths are popular. Try adding a few drops of essential oil to your bath to increase its relaxing properties. Avoid bath products that could stimulate contractions.


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