5 tips for having good eyesight for longer
Over time, the eyes become more prone to certain
pathologist. By following these tips, you increase your chances of keeping good eyesight
for longer.
Eye diseases have an important genetic component, but other
factors play a role, including tobacco. "Smokers are four to six times
more likely to develop AMD as they age,"
By an ophthalmologist and specialist in this degenerative age-related
disease of the retina. It is characterized by the appearance of an increasingly
large black spot in the center of vision, caused by the destruction of cells in
the middle of the retina. This phenomenon is accelerated by tobacco, via the
formation of free radicals. Cigarette smoke also precipitates aging of the
lens. It loses its transparency, the vision becomes blurred: it is cataract.
A diet rich in saturated fats and sugars damages the
cardiovascular system, but also the vessels that supply the eye. "On the
other hand, antioxidants and omega 3 have demonstrated a protective effect for
the eyes", notes P rSouied. Among the substances studied, there are
notably lutein and zeaxanthin: two carotenoids present in the macula, this area
of the retina which is damaged with AMD. "They protect the retina from
free radicals and from light," explains Éric Souied. Where to find it? In
cabbage, spinach, pumpkins ... We also don't forget the other antioxidant vitamins
and minerals, like vitamins C (peppers, guavas, kiwis) and E (almonds,
hazelnuts, wheat germ oil) , zinc (oysters, lentils, eggs) and copper (nuts,
seeds, algae).
Several studies have accused blue light from LEDs of being, in
very high doses, toxic to the retina. These light-emitting diodes are present
in certain lights, in the screens of Smartphones and tablets, but also in more
and more computers. However, the conclusions to be drawn from it are not clear:
"It is only a precautionary principle, because the conditions of
experimentation have nothing to do with reality, specifies P rGilles Renard,
scientific adviser of the French Society of Ophthalmology. If a problem should
appear, it will not be before thirty or forty years of high dose exposure (six
to eight hours a day). »What about blue anti-light glasses? Ophthalmologists
recognize that they are not very effective. "They filter out very little
problematic waves," says Professor Renard. It is better to reduce the time
spent in front of the screens, especially those of Smartphones.
5 nutritional tips for good eyesight
This is particularly true for children and adolescents, whose eyes are more fragile and who will have been exposed longer in their lives.
5 nutritional tips for good eyesight
This is particularly true for children and adolescents, whose eyes are more fragile and who will have been exposed longer in their lives.
Admittedly, UV rays are harmful to the eye at very high
doses ... but not everyone is concerned. For P r Souied, wear sunglasses all
year round if you live in Paris or Lille is useless unless it is a matter of
comfort. "Outside of summer, protecting yourself is especially necessary
for people who work outside or live in regions where the sun is very strong,
like the West Indies," By ophthalmologist. In this case, the reflex is
simple: wear glasses of an index 3 or 4, including when the sun is cloudy.
If the cataract is treated easily enough, diseases like AMD
or glaucoma, damage to the optic nerve, must be detected as soon as possible so
that we can stop or slow their progression. "When there are symptoms, it
is because the disease is already very advanced," . The right rhythm: an
appointment with the ophthalmologist every three years, then every two years
from the age of 45.
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