Back pain: causes, symptoms, solutions to treat it

Nearly 80% of the population will have back pain at least once in their life. How to relieve it? Prevent it? What is its cause? A hernia? Sciatica? Here's everything you need to know to avoid back pain. Definition: what is back pain? Back pain refers to low back pain, sciatica, hernia, low back pain ... Low back pain is the most common back pain. They correspond to pain located at the bottom of the back, at the level of the lumbar vertebrae, below the last vertebra which carries a rib. Low back pain can be acute and subside after a few days or become chronic and last for more than 3 months. Back pain that affects the dorsal vertebrae and neck pain that affects the cervical vertebrae is also very common back pain. Symptoms Back pain is of varying intensity. They can be brutal or insidious. Their duration can range from a few days to several months. They can be accompanied by radicular pain, that is to say sciatica , cruralgia , cervico-brachial neuralgia or inter...