Back pain: causes, symptoms, solutions to treat it
Nearly 80% of the population will have back
pain at least once in their life. How to relieve it? Prevent it? What is
its cause? A hernia? Sciatica? Here's everything you need to know to avoid back
Definition: what is back pain?
Back pain refers to low back pain, sciatica, hernia, low
back pain ... Low back pain is the most common back pain. They correspond to
pain located at the bottom of the back, at the level of the lumbar vertebrae,
below the last vertebra which carries a rib. Low back pain can be acute and
subside after a few days or become chronic and last for more than 3 months.
Back pain that affects the dorsal vertebrae and neck pain that affects the
cervical vertebrae is also very common back pain.
Back pain is of varying intensity. They can be brutal or
insidious. Their duration can range from a few days to several months. They can
be accompanied by radicular pain, that is to say sciatica , cruralgia ,
cervico-brachial neuralgia or intercostal pain. Spinal stiffness may also be
present. Depending on the cause, they can be day or night, aggravated or not by
effort or by certain positions.
• Lumbago?
The lumbago is a sudden pain that occurs in the lumbar
region, lower back, sometimes on one side, most often after a "false
move". Its origin is intense muscle contracture. Lumbago is the most
common cause of lower back pain.
• Osteoarthritis?
The osteoarthritis is caused by premature wear of cartilage.
It is a chronic disease that progresses slowly and insidiously. It can affect
all the joints. When it reaches the lumbar vertebrae, osteoarthritis causes
lower back pain . This is then Lumbarthrosis. The pain and stiffness are
• A herniated disc?
The herniated disc represents an abnormal projection of the
intervertebral disc. An intervertebral disc is located between each vertebra of
the spine. Its role is to give flexibility to the spine and to absorb shocks.
The herniated disc can trigger lumbar pain alone if it does not come into
contact with the nerve but sciatica or cruralgia can occur in case of nerve
compression. The type of neuralgia depends on the floor on which the disc is
• Sciatica?
Sciatica is caused by a protrusion of a herniated disc
located between the last two lumbar discs. The herniated disc can be located
between the two lowest lumbar vertebrae (respectively L4 and L5) or between the
last lumbar vertebra (noted L5) and the first vertebra of the sacrum (noted
S1). It causes pain in the path of the sciatic nerve which radiates from the
buttock, to the foot via the thigh.
• A lumbosciatica?
Low back pain causes lower back pain that goes down one leg.
It is triggered by irritation of the roots of the sciatic nerve secondary to
damage to an intervertebral disc. Tumor or traumatic causes are also the cause
of low back pain.
• A disc pinch?
Diagnosis and who to consult?
Persistent back pain should lead to consultation. The
attending physician will conduct an interrogation and a careful clinical
examination to establish a pre-diagnosis. If he considers it necessary, he will
order additional examinations such as x-rays or an MRI, if he suspects a
herniated disc for example. Depending on the results, rheumatological or
surgical advice may be considered.
Treatments, solutions: what to do to relieve it?
Rest, taking anti-inflammatories or painkillers and
physiotherapy sessions may be prescribed to relieve pain, but the advice of
your doctor or pharmacist is necessary before treatment.
Back pain that doesn't go away
A back pain that does not pass is most often of inflammatory
origin. The treatment differs from that of a "simple" lumbago.
Prevention: the right actions
"The fight against a sedentary lifestyle, weight
control, stress management and knowledge of good postures can spare the back in
a spectacular way" says Dr Anne-Christine Della Valle, general
practitioner. The four main prevention axes are: regular physical activity,
avoiding bad positions, monitoring your weight and learning to relax.
Good postures. First of all, it is necessary to adopt, in
all the tasks of daily life, adapted postures. So, when picking up something,
you should not make your back round but bend your knees and grasp the object,
if it is heavy, with both hands. When carrying a heavy load, it is advisable
not to lean forward, keep your back straight and squat to take the object
rather than bending over. When driving your car, on public transport, or
sitting at your desk, make sure you are well seated in the back of the seat,
keep your back straight and your feet flat on the floor.
The best and worst positions in bed. In bed, it is best to
sleep on your side, or on your back and if possible with a support pillow. If
the person is of a low weight (less than 50 kg), he should prefer a rather
flexible mattress, and conversely if his weight is important. We spend more
than 30% of our time in our bed. A bad mattress and a bad box spring can be
favorable factors. It is necessary to change the mattress after 8 to 10 years
of use.
Sport. In order to prevent back pain, it is necessary to
strengthen its muscle mass, which will help the back to cope with the "shocks"
it can undergo. In addition, the practice of walking has beneficial effects on
the back, by developing its cushioning capacity. Moving, climbing stairs on
foot, walking 30 minutes a day ... are small gestures of daily life that can
avoid back pain. Doing sports at least twice a week is essential. Swimming is
the most suitable sport because it helps develop the back muscles.
Lumbar belt. Wearing
a lumbar belt can allow the back to stay straight, but it should not be
permanent to avoid damaging the muscles.
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