10 tips for a better lifestyle

A balanced diet, sufficient sleep, a sporting activity ... having a healthy lifestyle is based on simple gestures to apply on a daily basis. 

Follow our 10 steps to keep our body clean and better lifestyle.

1- Eat well
For a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet: limit fatty, salty and sweet foods (especially refined white sugar), and eat fruits and vegetables with each meal. Also respect your protein needs, avoid eating too much or too little. And above all, stick to the doses depending on the time of day: eat plenty at breakfast and light at supper.

2- Get enough sleep at a fixed time
An adult needs to sleep between 7 and 9 hours a night. Try to go to bed as soon as you feel the first signs of fatigue so as not to miss your sleep train (which only occurs every 90 minutes!). A 15-minute nap is also recommended. Since your body needs benchmarks, try to wake up at a fixed time as much as possible.

3- Have good personal hygiene
Remember to wash your hands regularly to prevent the spread of bacteria on every object you touch. Opt for scrubs against toxins, and regular cleanses of the skin against impurities accumulated throughout the day.

4- Exercise
It is advisable to practice 30 minutes of physical activity per day to maintain your heart and your other muscles. For a healthy lifestyle, prefer the stairs to the elevators, and the bike to the car to go get the bread for example.

5- Avoid tobacco and alcohol
These two substances accelerate aging. When consumed in excess, they can cause serious illness.

6- Drink 1.5 liters of water per day
Almost 60% of the human body is made up of water. However, every day, a large part of this water is eliminated by the body (breathing, sweating, etc.). Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day!

7- Practice relaxation
Stress has a big impact on your heart rate. To combat it, practice breathing, yoga, and sophrology exercises that will instantly relax you.

8- Having a social life
To have a moral of steel, maintain a social life with the people you cherish, and do not hesitate to laugh at least once a day. It is excellent for health!

9- Get oxygenated
Being in good health also means taking the time to get some fresh air: avoid smoky or polluted places. Take advantage of the fresh morning air to take a large bowl of oxygen.

10- Take the time
Let go of the ballast from time to time and simply enjoy life: take the time to take a bath, read a book, and see friends…

To know more Click Here.


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