Can yoga help you lose weight?
Hello all! New article and today we will see if the practice
of this sport can lead us to lose
weight. We hear a little bit of everything about it, the time has come to
unravel the truth of the times.
We will see how it is done, where it comes from and what it
can do for you. I'm sure you will discover things that will interest you????
So I finished my introduction (yes it's very short compared
to usual I admit) but I told you everything. For the rest it happens just
What is Yoga?
This sport comes from India, it has been practiced for
thousands of years and today it is very established with us. Basically it is
not primarily intended to make you lose weight. But we will see later that it
is also possible to make a very good ally when trying to lose weight.
Going back to its origins, this serves to help you achieve
better fulfillment in your life. This is to be as much in his body as in his
head. For some, this will allow you to better understand their work. But also
to reduce your stress and all the problems you may face in this modern world.
In addition, for experts, they can even acquire great
wisdom, acquire less vulgar language, and become more tolerant with the people
around them.
How does it work?
Now, now that we have seen together the benefits that it can
bring, we will now see the two ways to practice it.
First, you should know that there is not just one way to
practice this sport. The first is the "western" way, it will rather
focus on the sporting aspect of the thing. Being able to play sports in a
gentle way. Without the need to sweat 3 liters of water or to be out of breath
as if you had run 10 kilometers.
The second way is much more spiritual, much closer to basic
practice. It is also much deeper, going to tap into your inner background. For
my part I practice a variant of yoga, meditation. This allows me to chase the
dark ideas in my head and therefore to start the day off on the right foot. At
first I admit that I didn't understand the interest so much. But little by
little it becomes more and more clear and the more you practice, the better it
is effective for your well-being.
Another effect, yoga if you are overweight or morbidly
obese. Indeed, he will tend to have a better image of you, to make you aware
that you have to accept yourself. This can be important in front of people's
eyes so as not to drop the case and achieve your goal.
It will also help you sleep better, and yes if you are less
stressed you will be less thoughtful. Your sleep will therefore be deeper and
more restorative. Finally, it has been proven that people who sleep poorly are
more likely to be overweight.
Okay now, before we talk about weight loss yoga, "let's
see how classic yoga is practiced. You must first do things in order. So you
have to start with the aspect that reflects your personality at first glance:
physical practice.
Via the different postures that you will perform, you will
be able to release all the tensions in your body. This will relieve and make
more flexible the spine, in particular, or even to different muscles of the
Next comes breath control, which is very important in yoga
as well as in meditation. The more precise your breath, the more you will be
able to drive out negative thoughts in your brain. I know, said like that it
sounds like weird techniques that come out of nowhere but I can assure you that
it works.
If you want to try nothing simpler, there are just a few
tips and tricks to know. Already, it should preferably be done in the morning.
Why in the morning? Simply because it is a good way to integrate it into a
"Morning routine". And also because you will tend to be more
concentrated than in the evening when coming home from work, exhausted by the
day worked.
So sit comfortably on the floor or on your bed with your
back straight. It is best to sit in the lotus or half-lotus position, but if
you lack flexibility, just cut yourself out. Then put your hands, palms up on
your knees and close your eyes.
Finally, try to imagine a sun in your field of vision, a
river or a meadow, something calm. You have to watch your breathing, keep it
regular and focus on it. In order to get into your bubble even better, put
relaxing music on your mobile phone (you can find lots of it on Youtube). It is
also necessary to wear earphones or headphones this is important. For the
duration, no need to practice an hour, especially at the beginning, it would be
useless. It is better to do 10 minutes from Monday to Friday than 4 hours all
at once and then nothing.
Well, I think you are now able to better understand this
sport in its own right even if we haven't really seen the sporting part here.
Besides, we will see that right away!
The lotus position
· Sports yoga
Many people practice yoga
because it is a sport where they take pleasure. If you like this too you have
no reason to stop for a sport that will burn more calories. You just have to
adapt it so that it can have a real impact on you. On the other hand if you are
not practicing and you say to yourself simply "I am going to do yoga
because it requires no effort", basic it already starts very badly.
We do not play a sport for the type of effort that there
will be or not to provide but for our well-being, our pleasure. If you go to
your class every night without any desire, even if it does not require
Herculean efforts, you will quickly stop!
Then get the idea out of your head that yoga is
"gentle". It is possible indeed but it can also be more dynamic by
practicing certain positions. Thus, the transition between movements, where
again the speed of execution will be very different from classical yoga. Much
faster and sportier, and on top of that, you will have to maintain a long and
deep breath throughout the exercise.
The practice of this sports yoga has many benefits including
a big boost of energy, more tone. Also build muscles, improve breathing, gain
better self-awareness. And finally better ability to concentrate, better manage
stress, promote letting go. We can also add the fact that it can lower blood
pressure, the risk of cancer or hypertension.
For the physical aspect, it will allow you to sculpt your
figure. It's quite simple, compared to "gentle" yoga you will be more
mobile and therefore burn a lot more calories. There is even a practice that is
done in overheated rooms to eliminate bad toxins.
On the other hand, as I have already said in my previous
articles, losing water will not make you lose weight. Or even in a specific
place of the body, get this myth out of your head. It's like those who think
they can lose weight thanks to the sauna or hammam because they sweat.
Certainly you will have lost weight but you will regain it a few hours later,
when you have restored your body to level. So do not be fooled by this or by
companies that wish to sell you their sweat shorts or other useless object.
I close this parenthesis and I return to the subject that
interests us. Then, you will be able to tone yourself thanks to yoga as we have
just seen. But in my opinion, it will still be necessary to have another
physical activity in parallel. Maybe a little more cardio-centric to optimize
it all.
At home or with a coach
Some people wonder if they should go it alone or if the help
of a coach would be better. For this question it is quite complicated to answer
because each person is different. When one is more of a self-taught type, the
second will be much less so and will need to be guided. For me the big
advantage that makes me say that it would be good for you to have one is as
follows. He will be able to teach you the different yoga postures. Also, it
will give you advice for the cardio side that I was talking about just above.
Be careful however to choose THE right coach. If you take a
person who has no knowledge of yoga, either he will make you perform the
movements randomly or dangerously. Or else, he will completely skip this part
and devote himself to something else entirely. We agree that this is not the
From the moment you have the right coach, so I repeat, the
one who is ideal will be the one who will combine the 2 desired skills. Namely
knowledge in yoga and sports practice. When all this is settled, the big
advantage is going to be motivation. Indeed, if you are alone at home, you will
often tend to drop the case. To be carried over to the next day, which will
eventually become forever.
When he is in front of you, you will not be able to back
down, even if you do not feel like it or if you are tired. In hard knocks too
it can be a shoulder you can count on. If you experience stagnation during your
weight loss process, he will be there to give you reassurance and best advice.
This last advantage is huge and not negligible, especially if you are the type
to give up easily.
To conclude
Finally, remember as always that the basis of everything is
food. Either way, if you become a yoga addict and expert, you will go without
realizing that your diet will change naturally and without getting frustrated
as it will have become normal for you to have a healthy physique and body.
Yoga is not going to make you lose weight directly, but it
is through all the mental and indirect aspect that it will ultimately work.
I know a few people who practice yoga and I know that none
of them is going to eat at Mcdo. I don't mean that you have to banish all the
pleasures of life, but simply that these people find their pleasure elsewhere
than in food. They have a completely different relationship to it than most
people do. For example, an average man will tend to get "big food"
after a workout to "reward". But we are not animals to which we give
a bone to thank them for being wise!
So I hope you have read the whole article and if you are
reading these lines I say bravo because you are understanding things that
others will take years to assimilate or may not understand -be even ever...
On these last words, it only remains for me to wish you all
a great day, see you next time and until then, be well.
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