Did you know that your nails can say a lot about your health?

Many women take care of their nails so that they are strong, clean and free of infections.

But be aware that the appearance of the nails is not only a question of aesthetics because we can see it as a reflection of our health.

Our nails can change with the passage of time, and present some alterations that tell us that something is wrong with our body.

It is important to learn to recognize the state of our nails to know how nails affect our health.


Normal nails are slightly raised in the middle and fall in a curve towards the tip.

If you notice that your nails have an opposite shape, that is to say with an upward curve or in the shape of a "spoon", it may mean that you have problems with anemia due to impairment made of iron.

These problems can be relatively advanced and therefore require treatment as soon as possible.


Our nails are made up of various layers of keratin , which give them a soft and uniform shape.

If they start to flake and you start to lose the top layer, it is possible that you have abrupt activities that affect your health.

It will therefore be necessary to pay them great attention to find a solution to this problem which frequently occurs when you expose them to very hot water, or to cold or dry air.


The irregularities alter the soft and uniform texture of the nail and create noticeable marks.

If this is your case, it is possible that your nails are suffering from psoriasis , an inflammation of the skin which, in this case, affects the area under the nails up to the surface.

It is important to treat them in time to recover the soft texture of the nail.

The fragility

This problem is very common, especially in women who like to have long nails.

If they are fragile, it is a sign that they need more hydration and nutrition, both externally and internally.

Fragility occurs when they dry up and break. It can also be a sign of hypothyroidism , or a low iron diet.

In this case, it is advisable to increase your consumption of green vegetables, meats, eggs and vitamin B supplement .

A yellowish color

If your nails have lost their pink tone and start to turn yellow, this may indicate that you have  diabetes or lung disease.

This sign can also be a yeast or psoriasis problem under the nail. If they are yellowish, it is best to see a doctor.

White spots

If you notice white spots, no need to worry. Because it can be a sign of a blow that you did not feel.

Sometimes they appear due to deficiencies in zinc, a mineral that can be acquired by consuming whole grains, chicken and fish.

The lunula

Sometimes at the base of the nail appears a crescent-shaped spot called the lunula.

This spot is more visible on the thumbs and it appears more commonly in people with arthritis.

However, visible lunula is not necessarily a bad thing, as it can be completely normal in some people.

Hand nails and your mental health

The irregular nail and cuticle may also reflect the state of emotional health. And are therefore more common in people who suffer from anxiety, anxiety or obsessive compulsive disorder.

People who bite their fingers, nails, and cuticles frequently are nervous, anxious, or obsessed with this habit.

Nails and nutrition

As with the rest of your body, they need the nutrition you receive through your diet.

Weak and broken nails can indicate a lack of calcium. And the appearance of irregularities is a sign of deficiency in vitamin C or folic acid.

If you want stronger and healthier nails, increase your intake of fruits and vegetables (at least 5 servings a day).
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