
Showing posts from March, 2020

Did you know that your nails can say a lot about your health?

Many women take care of their nails so that they are strong, clean and free of infections. But be aware that the appearance of the nails is not only a question of aesthetics because we can see it as a reflection of our health. Our nails can change with the passage of time, and present some alterations that tell us that something is wrong with our body. It is important to learn to recognize the state of our nails to know how  nails affect our  health . Spoon-shaped Normal nails are slightly raised in the middle and fall in a curve towards the tip. If you notice that your nails have an opposite shape, that is to say with an upward curve or in the shape of a "spoon", it may mean that you have problems with anemia due to impairment made of iron. These problems can be relatively advanced and therefore require treatment as soon as possible. Peeling Our nails are made up of various layers of keratin , which give them a soft and uniform shape. If they start to...

Natural beauty: 12 tips for beautiful hair

To have beautiful, healthy and attractive hair all year round, discover 12 essential beauty tips that are easy to carry out. 1st tip: Because your hair is constantly attacked by different sources of heat (hair dryer, curling irons, straighteners, sun ...), a hair protective oil is essential to protect it whatever the hair type. It is therefore important to apply a small drop of oil on the length and tip of the hair before any contact with heat. A small amount of oil is enough because if you put too much, you will grease your hair. 2nd tip: The hair is constantly mistreated and weakened between coloring, discoloration, pollution, heat, too frequent shampoos and repetitive brush strokes. To rehydrate and promote their growth, castor oil is ideal! Tips and tricks: - Coat the hair with castor oil, insisting on the tips. Massage the hair then wrap it in a warm towel. Keep if possible overnight and then shampoo. - Make your own repair mask using a mixture of two tables...

10 tips for a better lifestyle

A balanced diet, sufficient sleep, a sporting activity ... having a healthy lifestyle is based on simple gestures to apply on a daily basis.  Follow our 10 steps to keep our body clean and better lifestyle . 1- Eat well For a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet: limit fatty, salty and sweet foods (especially refined white sugar), and eat fruits and vegetables with each meal. Also respect your protein needs, avoid eating too much or too little. And above all, stick to the doses depending on the time of day: eat plenty at breakfast and light at supper. 2- Get enough sleep at a fixed time An adult needs to sleep between 7 and 9 hours a night. Try to go to bed as soon as you feel the first signs of fatigue so as not to miss your sleep train (which only occurs every 90 minutes!). A 15-minute nap is also recommended. Since your body needs benchmarks, try to wake up at a fixed time as much as possible.   6 rules of personal hygiene for children 3- Ha...

Tips for taking care of your hands

Water, cold, cleaning, our hands are particularly exposed to bad weather and other external aggressions. Result: they weaken and dry out. To avoid redness, cracking and irritation, here are some ways how to keep our hands beautiful . Care n ° 1: hand scrub To find soft and beautiful hands, nothing like a good scrub that will get rid of dead cells. You can use a commercial exfoliating product or a homemade exfoliation by mixing two tablespoons of fine cooking salt with a little olive oil and lemon juice. Erase then rinse with clear water. Treatment n ° 2: the hand mask The skin of the hands is like that of the face, it needs appropriate care. A mask will restore your hands to a fine skin texture and will protect them against external aggressions. Tips for keeping your hands soft and stain-free Mix a teaspoon of olive oil with a tablespoon of honey and a few drops of lemon essential oil (or lemon juice). Honey and lemon have an anti-aging effect and olive oil no...

6 natural tips to improve sleep

More and more difficult to fall asleep? You are not alone: 40% of French people are affected. However, there are natural solutions for how to improve sleep disorders . More and more of us are experiencing sleep disturbances or difficulty falling asleep. Sleep time, but also the quality of sleep, have important repercussions in your daily life: repercussions on your mood, your form but also your health, your weight and your intellectual capacities.  3 meditation exercises to improve your sleep So, all on sleeping pills? To be avoided of course! Especially since there are simpler and more natural solutions to improve sleep and have a better night. Natural solutions to improve sleep and get a good night's sleep If you have trouble falling asleep, consider changing your habits or your lifestyle. A healthier diet or less stress can considerably help you fall asleep. And improve sleep you can also help plants to sleep better. 6 tips to promote sleep Stay away fr...

5 tips for having good eyesight for longer

Over time, the eyes become more prone to certain pathologist. By following these tips, you increase your chances of keeping good eyesight for longer. WE GIVE UP CIGARETTES Eye diseases have an important genetic component, but other factors play a role, including tobacco. "Smokers are four to six times more likely to develop AMD as they age,"   By an ophthalmologist and specialist in this degenerative age-related disease of the retina. It is characterized by the appearance of an increasingly large black spot in the center of vision, caused by the destruction of cells in the middle of the retina. This phenomenon is accelerated by tobacco, via the formation of free radicals. Cigarette smoke also precipitates aging of the lens. It loses its transparency, the vision becomes blurred: it is cataract. WE ADOPT AN ANTI-AGING DIET A diet rich in saturated fats and sugars damages the cardiovascular system, but also the vessels that supply the eye. "On the ot...

A balanced diet during pregnancy

From the start of your pregnancy the question is that what to eat in pregnancy , adopt a balanced diet without alcohol. Certain foods are preferred because they provide vitamins and nutrients essential to your baby: folate or vitamin B9 in early pregnancy, then calcium, vitamin D, iron, slow sugars... WHAT DIET DURING PREGNANCY? A balanced diet is essential for your health and the good development of your baby. A balanced diet is eating: ·          five fruits and vegetables a day; ·          bread, cereals and other slow sugars with each meal according to your appetite; ·          dairy products three times a day; ·          protein (meat, fish or eggs), once or twice a day; ·          Water ad libitum. It is also important to limit your intake of fat, salt and...

Take care of your skin with natural ingredients

Take care of our skin : our skin, the largest organ in our body, is severely tested by a multitude of external factors. Air pollution, solar radiation, stress, heat, sun, cold, wind, causing it to suffer at any time of the year. The skin is our primary defense, a tireless soldier who constantly renews himself while he acts as a barrier for each pathogen by regulating, at the same time, the expulsion of toxins and different wastes. It therefore becomes necessary to treat it with great care, not only through good nutrition and a normal dose of sleep, but also by protecting and hydrating it while nourishing it with natural remedies which do not alter any of its functions. Essential. The specific products for the skin, to be used in winter, are almost all based on vegetable oils of officinal herbs, whose main actions are emollient and restitute. Our interest is therefore, to indicate these few products, simple to find at any herbalist, and to apply to help our skin st...

How to stay fit and healthy during your business trips

It is relatively easy to keep fit in the comfort of your own environment; the local gym just down the road and a weekly fitness class program. However, when you travel for business, you can neglect your health and fitness right away because of the disruption of your daily routine. Keeping in shape can be very beneficial during a business or wellness trip. Studies show that training can increase focus and productivity, and reduce stress levels and insomnia. Here, I share some helpful tips for stay healthy while travelling or your business trip, so your work is as efficient as it is before the trip. 1. Prepare your suitcase It may sound obvious, but really, pack your suitcase in advance. This is rule number one, so as not to find excuses like "I forgot my sports shoes" or "I forgot my swimsuit.” 2. be active and move Make the most of the high-tech facilities of sports clubs and personal trainers during your travels. Training will not only improve y...

7 consequences of lack of sleep

Overweight, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, digestive problems ... these are some of the consequences of lack of sleep or poor quality sleep. When you ask politicians or certain intellectuals how they manage to do so many things, they classically answer "I don't sleep much". And in a world where there is no shortage of artificial light, it can be tempting to snack on your nighttime rest. This is how some people come to completely disrupt their natural cycles and accumulate lack of sleep (around 17% of French people). Others have slept badly for years, without finding a solution, because of undiagnosed sleep apnea or chronic insomnia (which affects 12% of French people). And without knowing it, everyone is putting their health at risk. In fact, according to a study published in the journal Sleep Medicine in August 2016 which analyzed 153 sleep studies including a total of more than 5 million people, a short sleep duration is associated with greater mortality...

Can yoga help you lose weight?

Hello all! New article and today we will see if the practice of this sport can lead us to lose weight . We hear a little bit of everything about it, the time has come to unravel the truth of the times. We will see how it is done, where it comes from and what it can do for you. I'm sure you will discover things that will interest you???? So I finished my introduction (yes it's very short compared to usual I admit) but I told you everything. For the rest it happens just below. What is Yoga? This sport comes from India, it has been practiced for thousands of years and today it is very established with us. Basically it is not primarily intended to make you lose weight. But we will see later that it is also possible to make a very good ally when trying to lose weight. Going back to its origins, this serves to help you achieve better fulfillment in your life. This is to be as much in his body as in his head. For some, this will allow you to better understand their w...